is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
We are a gaming-focused space on Mastodon. We welcome everyone who enjoys any type of gaming - it doesn't just need to be video games. Let's build a diverse and inclusive community together!

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Seems weird here without the yasposting

@lucretia whaa? I don't follow Yas (purely because they shitpost too much, not for any other reason) but I just checked their timeline. Fucks sake

People like welshpixie are out there actively making fedi a worse place, absolutely THRIVING on the DRAMA they create every fucking day, and somehow they think they're the righteous one with their public proclamations. An absolute narcissist

@lucretia honestly, they're like the Eye of fucking Sauron or something. Scanning the fediverse for targets, you'd better hope their gaze doesn't focus on you and your posts