I’ll update over the next few days as I add more and appropriately manage the cables. I plan on having no visible cables!
Here’s an update. Got the monitors up. Just have cables everywhere at the moment!
Should be able to get it mostly finished by tonight, but I’ve got some 3M double sided tape and other bits on order that I need to properly finish it.
Close to the final setup!
Want to get my light strip setup around the back edge of my monitor stand and the cable management needs improvement.
I’d love to hear suggestions on what could be improved or added. Any ideas?
Looks great so far! What size monitors do you have?
@Undefined Thanks! They’re all 27” monitors.
@EighthLayer looks really cool
whats the little screen under the left monitor for?
@used2no Thank you!
That’s an Amazon Echo Show 5. I’ll use that to see who’s at my door or as a baby monitor etc.
@EighthLayer nice. could do with some stuff on the walls though
@used2no 100%! I want to get some sound proofing material up to help for when I start up streaming again so I don’t disturb my family.