How come some images won't load from other Mastodon instances?
@EliteMooseTaskForce Not common and never experienced that. Is it possible that happen because a server issue?
@PictoPulse356 Mmmm not quite sure actually. I am on a different Mastodon instance than you I think,
@EliteMooseTaskForce Yes you are in a different instance than me. The image that you cannot open is in the same instance as yours? Happens with all images?
@PictoPulse356 No, just images on other instances. I can see images on my own instance just fine.
@EliteMooseTaskForce Then I guess that is a problem of that instances, but not common for me
There are some reasons, sometimes it's just the communication between the instances, sometimes it's that older pictures may have been set to be deleted after a certain amount of time. Since Mastodon instances are set up by people that most of the time doing this privately in their spare time unfortunate events can occur like a back up being corrupted and not discovered. I'm sure their are at least a good bunch more but that's what I got told so far/discovered on my own.