I guess a side effect of #JamesGun taking over #DC and rebooting the #DCEU includes the end of #DoomPatrol. That's a real bummer. I love that delightfully wacky series. And am always happy to see #BrendanFraser perform. I am looking forward to what he has in store, though.
@FreiGuy86 according to Gunn, the decision was made before he took over. Honestly I’m surprised that almost any show survived Covid. #doompatrol #Titans
@patricklee I see. Still unfortunate. I never saw Titans but I do love me some Doom Patrol
@FreiGuy86 I liked them both, I think they captured the essence of the characters, if not the entirety that I wanted. I just hope they both can “end” properly.
@FreiGuy86 I think Cliff got him ready for "The Whale". There are a lot of parallels. His vulnerability is what makes him great. End of Doom Patrol is a real bummer. Well, at least there's Peacemaker....