Nothing - NOTHING - will ever surpass the glorious days of the Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC reveals!
Joker, Hero, Banjo-Kazooie, Terry, Byleth, Min Min, Sephiroth, Pyra/Mythra, Kazuya and Sora - what an emotional ride it was!
Sakurai truly outdid himself! I don't believe there be another game like Smash Bros. Ultimate ever again.
Tags: #SmashBrosUltimate #SmashBros #NintendoSwitch #Nintendo #Persona #DragonQuest #BanjoKazooie #FatalFury #FireEmblem #ARMS #FinalFantasy #XenobladeChronicles #Tekken #KingdomHearts #VideoGames #Gaming #Crossovers
@ronak i literally screamed when Banjo-Kazooie was revealed. And I never do that lol. The only thing that couldve outdone that wouldve been Mario RPG characters like Geno or Mallow.
@FreiGuy86 All Smash Bros. now needs is a VN rep. Like Phoenix Wright or Professor Layton.