It's Bandcamp Friday! That means the online music store Bandcamp waives their revenue share so artists get up to 93% of your purchase.
Did you buy anything? Have an album you absolutely love, or put one out yourself? Let me know!
Last thread:
What I bought last Bandcamp Friday:
@CrowsLabyrinth's discography — ambient music made using bass guitar and effects
To Be Kind by Swans — dark, intense experimental rock
1 Mile North discography — post-rock
YVR to LBC by @socool and @lehto — downtempo electronic collaboration
If you're looking for recommendations beyond #Bandcamp or #BandcampFriday, check out #AlbumOfTheDay, #AOTD, and #30DaySongChallenge.
I've been doing #AlbumOfTheDay for the past month, inspired by @sudaksis, who's closing in on a year—and I think it's entirely a physical collection!
As for the 30 Day Challenge, I know @auzzy has recently completed theirs. Found out about 1 Mile North and Nisennenmondai thanks to them!
@LadyMarth01 Oh nice, 1 Mile North! Don't see those mentioned often.
@LadyMarth01 @CrowsLabyrinth @lehto Thanks again for supporting our YVR to LBC EP! It's an honour to be included in your collection
Thank you very much for your support!
@LadyMarth01 I got stuff on Bandcamp. Don't really care about making money. If you are interested I'll send you a code for a mostly free purchase