@MEXdave1997 #SlayTheSpire is a great deck builder. #30XX for some PSX-MegaMan-alike action. Really enjoying #Kirby: The Forgotten Land right now.
@darkesword #SlayTheSpite kind of scares me (I'm not sure how complex the deck building is), but I do like it's presentation a ton. #30XX looks amazing, and I might give it a look. And I honestly need to try #kirby again, since my last game I tried for him was back in the #gameboy days.
@MEXdave1997 StS is extremely accessible. The deck-building is gradual and they ease you in really well. Give it a shot.
@darkesword @MEXdave1997 Seconded, as someone who isn't sadly into deck builders I really enjoyed StS. I also recommend Kirby and the Forgotten Land, I had a ton of fun with it and actually 100%ed it.