The Twilight Zone has so much cool stuff for a 90s pin I don't even know where to start, but this magnetic mini playfield has always amazed the players.
It has two player controllable pulsing magnets and the objective is to bounce the ball around to hit the scoring switches behind the rubbers and just before you run out of time, make the top shot to double the score and start a mode.
It's also used in one multiball mode, where the top exit scores the jackpot. You can get multiple balls in this thing at once!
Technically, for a mini playfield, it has a lot of stuff in it. It carries two big magnets, several controlled lights, couple of flashers, in addition to several micro and optical switches. It's also really heavy!
The underside is not bare when it's in the game, there's this cardboard-like cover preventing damage and short from the balls moving under it.