is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
We are a gaming-focused space on Mastodon. We welcome everyone who enjoys any type of gaming - it doesn't just need to be video games. Let's build a diverse and inclusive community together!

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i'm thinking about making a single-user instance (via but have read some cautionary tales concerning limited post visible/reach due to the technicals of federation (this is the most-cited article:

does anyone w/ experiencing running a single-user instance have any insight? is it really a "bad idea?" esp from the perspective of someone who is less interested in seeing "federated timelines" and more focused on follower interactions?

Erinc M.Single-user Mastodon Instance is a Bad IdeaIf you're thinking about setting up your own single-user Mastodon instance, I urge you not to do it. The user experience is so broken that it's baffling that anyone would find it acceptable.