#Question: If you got the chance to forget one game so you could play it fresh for the first time again, which one would you pick?
For me, probably #ReturnOfTheObraDinn.
Maybe #OuterWilds. Tough call. Obviously, I love a good mystery!
How about you? #ShareYourGames
@cheesebean Obra Dinn would be mine too. I recommended to someone on here this week saying that my only complaint with it was that I couldn’t forget it and do it again!
@cheesebean @Constantine EXACTLY those two, I wish I could forget all about them and replay them. Such amazing, amazing games.
Did you ever play Echoes of the Eye at all?
@Sobtanian @Constantine I haven’t yet! Need to get on it.
@cheesebean @Constantine OH MY DAYS are you in for a treat. I’m really envious now cos you get to experience that for the first time. It’ll honestly blow your mind. As amazing as the base game was, this one is on another level.
@cheesebean - Xenoblade X. The moment when the clouds clear and you see the world, whooo ...
You know, I was going to list those same two games. I absolutely adore them both, and will likely go back to them at some point, but I'll never have that sense of discovery again.
@danielholt It’s so difficult. I think that’s what compels me to force these two on people so much. I have to relive it through them.
@cheesebean Disco Elysium. I know finally solving the crime is only part of the ending but I did really like not knowing
@KittyDorkling This has been on my todo list. Good to hear it show up as an answer to this.
@cheesebean ohhh it's SO GOOODDDDD
@cheesebean maybe Portal. It's hard to say because you can't erase everything you played after that. For example, Final Fantasy VII was a big revelation for me in terms of what games could do with their story, but if I played it today--after playing countless RPGs that came after it, I might not like it.
@cheesebean I'll always hype The Witness. No other game has ever given me such a sense of revelation and recontextualization of the entire previous experience. It's definitely not for people who aren't into puzzle games, but it does more with it's format than I've seen any other game do.
Play it!
@Crapknocker I hadn’t heard of this! Definitely my kind of thing. I’ll be sure to check it out.
@cheesebean ahh yes, two of the best games of recent years.
My choice for a game I'd like to play again for the first time goes back a bit further: #PlanescapeTorment ..