Absolute disaster class so far today.
Took the kids to a local walk to get them outside a little, ensuring the kids had plenty of warm gear.
Loaded the car up assuming the (near) 7 year old had her coat in the car with her....turns out she didn't bring it; didn't need it apparently.
Naturally that means that half way around the reservoir she starts crying because she's cold; half way around. Wonderful.
I give her my gloves, my hat and my scarf; she cheers up.
Then my son climbs a small incline (3-4 feet) but can't get down....
I go fetch him..
I slip.
Whilst carrying him.
He slides down the slippy incline and when I finally get back to him he's caked from head to toe in mud.
You know before I had kids I used to spend my annual leave napping and playing videogames? Now look at me.