I’ve never been able to find a default game I can fall back on when I’m bored.
I see some people constantly playing the same game. I can’t do that. I lose interest so easily.
Anyone else like that? If not, what’s the game you default to?
@EighthLayer I always check out whatever the Daily Run is in #SlayTheSpire. It’s always a specific set of modifiers that changes daily, so coming back every day feels fresh but familiar.
@darkesword I swear I’ve seen this game in those annoying mobile ads you sometimes get.
I’ve never been into card based games really, but I’ll check out some videos and see if I think I’d like it.
@EighthLayer I play it on Steam, and while it’s on mobile, it doesn’t have any of the trappings of a “mobile” game, if that makes sense. I can’t imagine it being in those terrible ads though, haha.
@darkesword Oh that’s fair enough. Maybe it is something I could get into on mobile whilst inbetween things. I’m sure it’ll certainly beat losing time to the likes of TikTok.
Yeah I’m probably mistaken on it appearing as an ad now I’ve looked it up.