#Goldeneye007 will be available to everyone on #NintendoSwitch & #XBOX on 1.27.2023!
Note to XBOX players: If you already own #RareReplay, Goldeneye 007 will be made available to you for free! Not only will it also be available on #XBOXGamePass but Rare Replay is backwards compatible on XBOX.
@richygarcia84 last time I tried going back to this (a few years ago on real hardware) it was painful. It really needs something like the treatment M2 gives Sega Ages titles to make it playable in 2023.
@scribblemacher To be fair, the original N64 version did have some frame rate issues during the game’s most intensive single player moments.
Interesting to see how it performs on XBOX.
@richygarcia84 note that if you have the rare replay as physical media this deal does not apply.