is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
We are a gaming-focused space on Mastodon. We welcome everyone who enjoys any type of gaming - it doesn't just need to be video games. Let's build a diverse and inclusive community together!

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Dear Game Devs,

Please please please let me access the options/settings as soon as the game loads.

Don't make me sit through a prologue, or intro, or tutorial of any kind. Just let me adjust the audio/graphics/accessibility options ASAP and then I'll look at all of your fun informative stuff, I swear.

On my knees,
Syl I remember I had to complete the entire full tutorial race in "Split/Second: Velocity" at a 640x480 resolution while being forced into fullscreen mode on the wrong monitor.

It made me so mad that I was forced to do this before I could "unlock" the actual settings menu that it kinda ruined my first impression of the game.

@SuperDicq @sylphrin Reminds me that once in a while a game spawns in my vertical monitor for some weird reason, at least not running XOrg so they can't easily screw with monitor settings and end up rotated.
Syl :twitch:

@lanodan @SuperDicq oh that's so weird that it happens with some games and not others

@sylphrin @SuperDicq Might be something related to game library, like SDL vs. GLFW, I haven't looked much into it as I then just disable fullscreen and it never happens again in the same game.