#paint #art #streetart #drawing #sketching #artist #imagination #AmateurArtist #sidewalks #SidewalkArt #SidewalkChalk
Today's #CreatureFeatures lined up features a few #BigApesMovies I have King Kong 1933, 1976 (the creepy Kong & Jeff Bridges face is hairier than Kong's) & 2006 versions (inspired the painting I did below) & Rampage 2018 + sticking with the island theme I also squeezed in from Tubi a couple of old favorites Island of terror 1967 (it's been a while) & Island of Dr Moreau 1977. #MyHorrorfest #CreatureFeatureMovies #HorrorMovies #Horror #KingKong #MadScientist #MovieArt #AmateurArtist
So, after seeing a piece by @NatureMC, I thought of a temporary "collage" I had made from found objects that I had photographed, then enhanced. I finally have a name for this piece: "Fragments".
This is one of my #drawings from many years ago. As you can see, I never actually finished it, but I was still happy with what I had achieved.
I always found #art very therapeutic but haven't had the time to actually draw or paint anything for years and years.
I think it's #time to make time for art again.
Oh, I forgot to share my 5X7 shelf art tribute piece for #Candyman that I did in 2022. It was 1 of the 1st pieces I worked on & back when I kept things a little bit more simpler. #AmateurArtist
So far I found 2 inspirations to paint from my #FamilyBonds marathon but I'll wait for a few more ideas before I paint them. I'm currently watching a Christmas story trilogy (only have 2 of the 3 movies but I have the 3rd movie saved on the PVR since Christmas) so I thought I'd share the painting I did for them last year. I don't watch Christmas movies at Christmas time anymore unless the Creature Features, I get too depress otherwise. #AmateurArtist #Art
Sadly yesterday's movies didn't inspire anything but last year today's movies inspired this piece. #Psycho #Horror #AmateurArtist #FamilyBonds #Art
I finished the fourth & last shelf art piece inspired from my Friends/Enemy marathon & another favorite movie & awesome soundtrack Empire records. #AmateurArtist
Finished another one, this one I'm calling It's the weekend! from another favorite film & timely done on a Friday. Actually I love both movies but unfortunately I haven't collected the second one yet. #AmateurArtist
I painted a thought I thought of & posted the last week or so to hang on my quote wall. #AmateurArtist
Finished another painting that was inspired from this month's Friends/Enemies marathon, the Outsiders is another favorite movie of mine. I remember seeing this in the theaters when it 1st came out & I lol every time I see the scene at the beginning & end where he writes about walking out of the theater into the sunlight cuz it was sunny when I walked out of the theater. I still have my original copy of the book that I went out & bought after seeing the movie. #AmateurArtist #StayGold
Finished 1 of the 4 shelf art paintings I'm working on, this one's for 1 of my favorite movies from this month's Friends/Enemies marathon Hackers. I wish I had hacking abilities but computers are a mystery to me so instead I'm technically disabled! #AmateurArtist
Finish the last 2 paintings for this batch & my brain is currently empty of ideas, yay finally! Paint supplies have been put away & I have scrubbed all the extra paint off my knees lol. I finished the last movie that I have in my collection for this month's Marathon which was Nope but I still got a few more movies that I can stream for it + I'm rewatching the series Killjoy. I'll take a break from painting now, maybe some of next month's movies will inspire more ideas. #AmateurArtist
Finish 3 more shelf art paintings while watching movies today, these are my tributes for the movies Dune, They live & Men In Black's. My attempt with the sandworms turned out better than my attempt last year. I think their scale might be better but I'm going to leave it for now & see how much it bothers me. I had a 4th piece that I ended up tossing because it wasn't turning out. Oh well I should finish the last 2 tomorrow. #AmateurArtist
My 2nd attempt of doing a Dark Knight shelf art painting turned out much better. The 1st attempt I tried to do Joker in his nurse's outfit from the movie but it didn't turn out at all & I'm kind of glad I like this much better. 1 down 6 to go! #AmateurArtist
I finish the last of the paintings. These are my tribute pieces for Close encounters of third kind, Birds of prey & the Fantabulous emancipation of 1, Harley Quinn & Suicide squad movies. As you can see I have a thing for Harley Quinn, she's badass! Now I'm takin a little bit of a break to do some adult stuff like laundry tomorrow & cleaning over the weekend but hopefully next week I can start the next batch cuz I've already got 6 more paintings brewing inside the brain! #AmateurArtist
2 more 5x7 paintings done today while watching movies. These are my tribute pieces for the Avenger & Venom movies. I tried to do Venom last year & failed miserably & this was the 2nd attempt I tried this year cuz I struggled with those flipping teeth until I figured out to use a different shade white for the bottom set so 3 times a charm. The Avenger painting actually started out as Aquaman but I struggled with getting the right shade for his chest so I switched it to the glove. #AmateurArtist
The 3rd shelf art piece I finished today was for the series Game of thrones where poor #Hodor is holding the door so I'm calling it Hold the door! Again I had multiple choices of what to paint for this series but this one scene makes me cry every single time I watch it! This is also my 95th piece I've done since I started painting just over 2 years ago so I wonder which of the 6 I have left to do will be my 100th. Oooo IDK! #AmateurArtist
The 2nd shelf art piece I finished is for the Joker movies (I can't wait till the 2nd 1 comes on video) & what a challenge cuz faces are hard when you're trying to get an angry look under a smiling face so this was the best I could do. Which is better than my Dark Knight painting of Joker that I was also trying to do with this batch of paintings but failed miserably so he's back on the list for the next batch of paintings & that canvas was filed under G! #AmateurArtist 2/
I think I'm done painting for the day & I'm also out of movies but I managed to complete another painting. This 5X7 shelf art piece is for the movie X-Men: Dark Phoenix. I was going to do it in reds & oranges but when I saw the pinks & blues version I thought it was perfect! #AmateurArtist