Last night, I went for a long random walk to clear my head and surprised myself by how quickly I got to the Derbal Yerigan/Swan River. It only took about 25 mins to get from my place to Adachi Park, a riverside park. Belmont's slice of the riverside is pretty decent, I just never really appreciated it. 

Along the way, I went through Severin Walk. It's pretty much a secret garden. The entrance is a narrow pathway flanked by two warehouses, you'd easily miss it if not paying attention. It then opens up into a nature area with a creek running through it. It's got all these weird branching pathways and staircases that link up to the surrounding warehouses and businesses. There are some outdoor seating areas to the side of the path. I really think it's a nice little walk with some potential. If the council could sort out the creek that smells like a backed up toilet, it would improve the walk experience immeasurably. I didn't take pictures of Severin Walk, I was thinking next time I go through, I might record a video. Photos don't quite do it justice.