Did Charles Manson get an assist from the American deep state in transforming hippies from harmless counterculture peaceniks into bloodthirsty, drug-addled killers in the minds of the American public?
Did Charles Manson get an assist from the American deep state in transforming hippies from harmless counterculture peaceniks into bloodthirsty, drug-addled killers in the minds of the American public?
I guess you missed it in all the #chaos, but #Trump has already ordered $400M worth of #swastikars
Work in progress: a Nurgle Mounted Lord without Demonic Steed is just a regular Nurgle Joe. We can't have that, so here's the stinky steed
Giving in will mean the end of the USA as we know it, and the last 8 weeks have shown the world what the ugly, vile, ignorant and corrupt alternative will be.
Fight, it is the only option. The alternative is a totalitarian regime… and we know where these end.
Reported from the “Yale CEO Caucus” event in Washington:
“Though the attendees identified as 60% Republican to 40% Democrat, the mood was dour. In a flash poll at the summit, 80% of CEOs said they find themselves “apologizing to our international partners for Trump’s capriciousness.” Eighty-five percent oppose his approach to tariffs and think they’re backfiring. Almost all—92%—are now concerned about recession. Indeed, Goldman Sachs’ chief economist just downgraded the entire U.S. economy.”
#kakistocracy #agentKrasnov #chaos
“CEOs say they are losing faith in Trump: ‘I don’t trust that what’s said today will be true tomorrow’”
The most shocking thing was that CEOs trusted Trump in the first place, given his performance in his first term.
#Magats and the #GOP voted for this. They now have all three branches of government and this is the result. #Chaos the #TrumpMuskGOPClusterfuck
Work in progress: metal Nurgle Mounted Lord (released November 2008)
#USPol #MentalHealth #LifeExpectancy #Chaos
Just putting this out there. I'm doing ok, despite the current situation we have in the US., but I have moments throughout the day where it's just overwhelming.
I've disconnected from social media and news in general, a LOT more than I thought I'd have to. I'm here, mostly, but even Mastodon is filled with the disaster headlines, you know?
I'm 64, and when the overwhelming thoughts come up, I then think "Well, I have MAYBE 20 more years, based on life expectancies and my genetics.
I have a lot less years ahead of me than what are behind me, if you get my meaning!
I imagine I 'm not alone in the worry of where we will end up in 4 years. I have begun looking JUST for hopeful news, and though I appreciate and help those who are fighting against it, my fear is it's too late?
Anyway, just putting it out there. It helps to get it out of my head.
(apologies for the all-caps) In spite of the #reality of the #freeworld in #chaos at this moment, #scientific, #artistic & #spiritual progress must go on. Please share #FullMoon #photos, before & after the #TotalLunarEclipse, noting any #anomalous #phenomena, like #UFOs or #UAP.
@KronoMoon @KronoMoonPhotos https://me.dm/@KronoMoon/114123318742866342
An Article in the Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics on Turbulence by KR Sreenivasan and J Schumacher
What is the turbulence problem, and when can we say it’s solved? This deep dive by Sreenivasan & Schumacher explores the math, physics, and engineering challenges of turbulence—from Navier-Stokes equations to intermittency and beyond. A must-read for anyone fascinated by chaos, complexity, and the unsolved mysteries of fluid dynamics!
A summary of the talk presented by KR Sreenivasan in December 2023 at the International Center for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR) in Bengaluru, as part of a program on field theory and turbulence.
"Field Theory and Turbulence" program link: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-meeting/ftt
#FluidDynamics #Physics #NavierStokes #UnsolvedMystery #Mechanics #Dynamics #FluidMechanics #Science #Chaos #TurbulentMotion #Randomness #Chaotic #Fluid #ClassicalMechanics
"Today everything from our water/power/sewer #utilities to our #cellular telephone systems... to our #nuclear weaponry and #military services runs on #digital ones & zeros that flow through #cyberspace...
With no power, no telecommunications, & no water, #American cities would descend into #chaos in days...
And #Trump & #Hegseth just eliminated most of our defenses against #Russia doing this to us."
Somehow, the song “Désenchantée" (Disillusioned) by Mylène Farmer seems more relevant today than when it was released over three decades ago. Give it a listen!
I’ve added an English translation of the lyrics in the thread below. #music #chaos
Mylène Farmer - Désenchantée (...
[Rolling Stone]: Musk Melts Down as Tesla Stock Price Plunges
The electric vehicle company has become a toxic brand as its CEO wreaks havoc in Washington. By Miles Klee, Monday, March 10, 2025
Goat Simulator Remastered continues! Tonight we're gettin' medieval as we tackle the MMO Simulator world!!! https://www.twitch.tv/adamcrowgaming
WARNING: Game may cause seizures. Viewer discretion advised.