I feel like “covid dysphoria” might be a valuable term to coin. #covidCautious
I feel like “covid dysphoria” might be a valuable term to coin. #covidCautious
This guy was handling a puking kid 2 days ago, and now is refusing to cover his sneezes at all. Offered an N95; not well received. "It's just dusty in here." Ok but N95s filter dust too; also not well received.
I do not like parts of this timeline.
Anyways here's hoping the HEPA and elasto
suffice. I'd rather have more layers of
swiss cheese https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_cheese_model now - and every time, but kinda feeling it now!
hope ocular protection
isn't needed for whatever this is
at least he's not sneezing directly on me but I've seen the infrared videos of aerosol dispersal
Update: ich werde einfach wieder ins BCRT stapfen und nehmen was die grad da haben, die haben genug Durchsatz dass die Mehrfachdosen nicht verkommen.
#CovidCautious Bubble: welches ist der Covid-Impfstoff du jour? Gibt es irgendwo eine Übersicht, welchen man im Moment am liebsten mag? (Hersteller, Variante?)
Recommendations for #acupuncture in Greater #Boston? Even better if they are #COVIDCautious
Terrible picture, but notice anything unusual about this audience? They are all masked! What a treat to be able to see a live performance of “What the Constitution Means to Me” at an actual indoor theater. The house was full, theater people, so take note: There’s demand for this.
Also a surprisingly timely show, but let’s focus on small wins for now. #covid #covidcautious #theater
Sat 7pm #Boston #CovidCautious Speed dating by @BostonDykeMarch - @ the Foundry, $10+ sliding scale, queer/trans aligned encouraged (not a dykes-only event).
#BostonWeekend 21/x
Chatted with an employee at Whole Foods today because they were wearing an N95 duck bill mask that I’ve been meaning to try. Not only did they give me info on how to get 1000 around-the-head (not ear loops) n95 masks for $100, they even went to the back room to fetch me one from their stash to try to see if I like it before I buy a ton. People are so nice here what the heck. Here’s the link to the mask deal btw: https://www.jbtools.com/jackson-safety-r10-n95-disposable-face-mask-50-pack-pouch-style-64235/ #CovidCautious
Calling #CovidCautious folx in Northern England, UK! Friends of mine are putting together a Covid-safer #punk gig at an awesome #LGBTQ+ venue (involving masks, HEPAs, PlusLife, far-UVC etc) and it's just weeks away with tickets left! So if you can make it to #Sheffield, go buy one, become a member of Gut Level venue, mask up, and let's show the world how it's done because this is what punk is all about! https://wegottickets.com/event/640853 #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #Yorkshire #York #Leeds @violetblue
Bluesky COVID-competent researchers and communicators list: https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=4039477&pagenumber=899#post543387748
New preferred term!
tired: covid-cautious
wired: covid-competent
due to https://zeroes.ca/@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social/113834876209362727
Hi there #CovidCautious people and #AutodéfenceSanitaire people
I'm looking for pamphlets and/or visual aid that I can print and display in an office space to inform people about
- indoor air quality and how to improve it (save for employer action because i'm doing this in spite of them)
- why it's important with regards to pathogens first, but other reasons are welcome
- current epidemic situation in France regarding Covid, Flu and VRS.
sorry for the wild tag @arra and @nousaerons
Hey, covid-cautious people! What are your thoughts on which countries are CURRENTLY the best for people like us? I'm not interested in which countries did the best in 2020 and 2021. I want to know which are the best NOW. Of particular interest are the availability of vaccines, especially Novavax, and the acceptability of wearing N95 masks in public. I'm especially interested in countries where English or Spanish are spoken.
Salut la team #CovidCautious !
Il me semble avoir vu passer il y a quelques mois l'idée pour les porteur-ses de masques de se fabriquer des cartes nous représentant, pour qu'on se les échange quand on se croise, en mode "cartes à collectionner"...
Est-ce que ça dit quelque chose à quelqu'un ? Est-ce que ça existe déjà ?
Partages appréciés !
@arisummerland Covid. Covid. Covid. Thank you for sharing the article. We have the N95 masks plus other risk management in our household. #COVIDisAirborne, #CovidIsNotOver, #stillMasking, #LongCovid, #CovidCautious.
bless the random commenter on IG who shared https://www.refreshconnections.com/, a covid-cautious dating/connections app because there are so many cool people on there (at least in the US). I'm so excited to make friends who voluntarily wear KN95 or better. I am so late to this party, but this is game-changing. #COVIDcautious
Wife and I used nasal sprays and KN95s for today’s Christmas gathering, then ventilated the space after family left. I hope that was enough to stay healthy. Family seemed understanding given we don’t have health insurance at the moment, but they didn’t offer to mask, so we just tried to model safety as best we could. #COVIDcautious
“The longer you deal with chronic illness & disability - the more people disappear from your life.
Each Christmas that’s passed since I became severe, I find myself receiving less holiday cards, texts, calls & emails. I’m painfully aware that most have forgotten me.”
This is a quote from my Chronic Illness Christmas article where I discuss guilt, gaslighting and how to cope with being sick at the holidays.
When I was writing it I found myself reflecting over the last few years. I noticed even those I tried to stay in touch with slipping away
It’s hard to keep making the effort over and over - especially when you’re sick and dealing with an energy limiting condition.
Add in covid caution and it becomes even more challenging because even if someone can “get past” your illness… your covid awareness challenges them
As I wrote the words I had a sinking pit in my stomach that this would be the year I was almost entirely forgotten.
The reason? My advocacy.
The more outspoken I’ve become about public health, Covid and disability rights… the more people have pulled away.
When I launched The Disabled Ginger I found most people who had known me “in real life” didn’t want to read it. They werent excited for me.
The support I received was here. Within my online community - who’ve been amazing every step of the way
Christmas morning arrives and I was correct - I only heard from two friends - both having their first chronic illness Christmas this year.
The ones who still have their health? They’ve vanished. Just as I predicted.
Why is that?
We know people disappear when we become chronically ill - I’ve spoken about it at great length over the years.
But there’s more to it this year. I’ve been disabled for many years and until I began advocating MOST stayed in touch.
It’s almost as though my finding my voice and talking about these issues on a regular basis was the final straw.
They were willing to tolerate my sickness. Accept that I couldn’t socialize or get out of bed. Stay in semi-regular contact
What they weren’t willing to tolerate was a constant reminder of ableism and all the ways in which it harms us. Of Covid and the fact that it’s not over.
They didn’t want to face the brutal reality of my day to day life which I opted to stop hiding and advocating
There’s been times I’ve been tempted to quit. To give in and go back to plastering a smile and saying “I’m fine”
I faked it for years - I certainly know how.
But then I think of all the people STILL being forced to hide. Made to fake it for the comfort of others
I think about all the people who are about to become chronically ill because of public health and government failure to mitigate COVID.
People who believed the lie that it was not a threat and who are about to find out the hard way just how little help there is for us
I think about the people who read my words and send messages telling me that I encapsulated what they’re dealing with and it brought them comfort.
Those messages - knowing that my words are reaching even one person - make it worthwhile.
Never forget that those who leave you behind are not worth your tears. One day they too will end up sick … and they may wish they had behaved differently.
Your value is not tied to your health. Advocacy and Covid caution are admirable even if others can’t see it
Hang in there. Hold the line. Keep the faith that there will be better days to come.
If you’re someone who’s left a person behind - please know your choice hurt them. Consider reaching out and telling them they’re loved. It could mean everything to someone.
To all those dealing with chronic illness, isolated due to COVID and/or trying to support a loved one through a chronic illness Christmas - this article is for you
It’s for all of us who’ve been left behind. Who’ve had to establish new traditions & find joy in the darkest of times
You’re not alone.
@tenkoman Danke für den Tipp! Das sind Antigen-Tests, korrekt?
Related: Lust auf ein #PlusLife- und/oder #Luftfilter-Meetup? #38c3 #CovidCautious