One of my major hobbies is dying and losing the game in Demon's Tier+ just on tier 1, forever and ever, for all time, never making it to tier 2. Tier 1 must be good enough.
One of my major hobbies is dying and losing the game in Demon's Tier+ just on tier 1, forever and ever, for all time, never making it to tier 2. Tier 1 must be good enough.
I love Nintendo's "You played the demo, now buy the whole game!" emails.
Thinking about it now, maybe it's kinda rare that I buy a game after trying a demo? I know it happens.
The only one I can think of for sure is Demon's Tier+.
Play Demon's Tier+.
Wifey's taking a brief break from playing through a bunch of older Mario games before Wonder comes out on the 20th, so I'm fully obsessed with Demon's Tier+ again. I could just play this game forever.
As usual lately, playing (grinding) on Demon's Tier+ at night on Switch (its also on Steam and other consoles) which is a KILLER roguelike (maybe I've talked about it here before, I forget). Anyway, I've been unlocking characters, trying to unlock all the tiers too. Its TOUGH, at least for me.
Some tips I can pass along:
-Always buy potions when you can (pricey, 3000 coins), keys (1000 coins, for freeing prisoners - they give you more money if you make it out, and improve your attacks) and rope (200 coins, the cheapest and a good way of zapping out of a dungeon if you're going to die so you keep your coins).
-You can often find the grave of where you previously died in the dungeon with your ghost in front, and if you destroy the gravestone, you'll get all your cash back.
-You have to achieve the mission and escape the level and not get hit by the reaper, who comes out when your time runs out. He will kill you, and if you see him, run, use a rope to escape up, etc. If he touches you, you're dead.
-When every level starts, you're in a temporary glowing shielded ring like in the photo below - if your character class has ranged attacks, just stand in that as long as it's there and blast as many monsters as you can before it fades - they can't hurt you in there.