‘#DevilMayCry’ #Anime Reveals Official Trailer & Expands Cast http://dlvr.it/TJTp3V
‘#DevilMayCry’ #Anime Reveals Official Trailer & Expands Cast http://dlvr.it/TJTp3V
#Netflix bringt die Dämonenjäger-Action von #DevilMayCry auf den Bildschirm. Der neue #Trailer zur Animationsserie verspricht spektakuläre Kämpfe und bekannte Charaktere aus der #Capcom-Spielreihe. https://winfuture.de/videos/Film-TV/Devil-May-Cry-Netflix-zeigt-einen-neuen-Trailer-zur-Animationsserie-27251.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
More English Cast Members Announced for the New Devil May Cry Anime
AND WE ARE LIVE! Playing DMC: Devil May Cry! You know...the one with Donte?
Come join us in THE FOX DEN!
Gonna be going LIVE tonight with DMC: Devil May Cry! Usual time of 4:30 PM EST/ 1:30 PM PST in THE FOX DEN!
20 Games that underpinned key moments in your life. Screenshot or box art, no review, no explanation, just games. (Day 8/20)
Game: Devil May Cry 5
System: PS4, PS5, PC
He visto el nuevo tráiler de la serie de #DevilMayCry y debo decir que no me ha terminado de gustar.
No veo a Dante, sólo a Nero vestido de Dante. No sólo es la voz de Johnny Yong Bosch, es la actitud. Dante siempre ha dicho tontorrón y soltaba gracietas, pero siempre se mostraba 100% seguro de sí. A éste le he visto incómodo socialmente, y es algo que me encaja más en Nero que en Dante.
‘#DevilMayCry’ #Anime Reveals New Clip Featuring Johnny Yong Bosch http://dlvr.it/TJDG1T
Devil May Cry 3 turns 20!
Did you know the Japanese release was easier to cater to local tastes, but tougher versions were made for other regions? #DevilMayCry #gaminghistory #GameFact
Which version do you prefer?
Dive into classic #retrogames on our handhelds, pre-configured with brand-name SD cards and custom firmware. Explore our range at K-TEC UK.
‘#DevilMayCry’ #Anime Reveals New Visual http://dlvr.it/THwQk0
I love how a lot of Lightning's coat looks great but also, when you look closely, seems to be made of leftover pieces. A lot of different brown shades and also a lot of different buckles for all the straps she uses. The different shades came in handy because I actually had a set of different leftover leather pieces. I had a lot of fun with the straps. And for the buckles, I took some freedom and replaced some with fasteners from other games.
#Cosplay #FinalFantasy #DevilMayCry #Sewing
But the evidence is shaky - Rumours of a Devil May Cry remake have just been given a significant boost, thanks to comments made by Vergil voice actor Daniel ... #DevilMayCry https://gamesense.co/game/devil-may-cry/news/discuss/rumour-devil-may-cry-remake-supposedly-outed-by-vergil-voice-actor/
Sobre los rumores del remake de #DevilMayCry y la nueva entrega en desarrollo: sí, ambos por el melocotón, pero no voy a hacerme ilusiones con rumores y menos aún si encajan con mis deseos. Tengo que proteger mi corazoncito.
#gaming #videojuegos
Devil May Cry Remake in arrivo? Nuovi indizi accendono la curiosità dei fan! #DevilMayCry #GamingNews
Featuring music by Limp Bizkit - As you might have already seen, Netflix has a new Devil May Cry animated series premiering on 3rd April 2025. #DevilMayCry https://gamesense.co/game/devil-may-cry/news/discuss/netflix-reveals-devil-may-cry-opening-credits-ahead-of-april-launch/
#Netflix Streams ‘#DevilMayCry’ #Anime Opening Sequence & Sets Premiere Date http://dlvr.it/THj6bn
Ahora que estáis a tope con el tráiler de la serie de #DevilMayCry, os propongo una lectura para hacer boca antes del 3 de abril: mi libro #DevilMayCryLaAcciónEn3DSubeDeNivel , de la colección #VideojuegosLegendarios de #RBA. Lo podéis encontrar en kioskos, tiendas GAME y la web de RBA.
The New Devil May Cry Anime to Premiere on Netflix on April 3, 2025
Devil May Cry: l’attesa serie anime di Netflix arriva il 3 Aprile