Element/Matrix or Signal?
Right now none of my friends and contacts use either as far as I know, but I figured I could start with my family.
Anyone has a good resource for the pros and cons of each?
#Messenger #Matrix #Element #Signal
Element/Matrix or Signal?
Right now none of my friends and contacts use either as far as I know, but I figured I could start with my family.
Anyone has a good resource for the pros and cons of each?
#Messenger #Matrix #Element #Signal
#Blind people who use #Matrix, particularly on #Windows, is #Element the most #accessible client? I've been getting into it because a lot of communities for #SelfHosted services use it, but I don't find Element the easiest to navigate, so I'm wondering if there are other options.
#SelfHosting #OpenSource #Accessibility #ScreenReader #ScreenReaders
@mastoblind @main
Hat matrix.org seinen Home Server eigentlich platt gemacht?
Swedish Armed Forces opts for Signal as a quick fix. A more strategic approach would ensure communications remain sovereign, interoperable, resilient, and secure.
@element @Amandine @FOSSBackstage io lo uso con alcune persone e funziona egregiamente. Nel mio piccolo vi reclamizzo e cerco sempre di portare nuovi utenti su #element. Continuate così!
Speaking of, the #Element experience is horrible as ever. Sorry but this thing is pain. Especially on desktop where it again(!) won't even start on #Wayland without disabling GPU support:
> flatpak run im.riot.Riot --disable-gpu
C'mon. I know it's Electron. So are a shiton of other apps on my system and they manage just fine.
Today I enticed the teens to use #Matrix / #Element instead of #Discord. Why use a US service when there is a European alternative.
Feels good and they were content too.
In the past often thought of having my own server, for friends a family, but am hesitant because I don't know if I can generate enough continuity. Perhaps someday I will go for a hosted service. #SmallSteps
Welp, shit. Enshittification continues, and #Element #Matrix is still a total mess. Great.
#Discord is working on going public.
With the most recent update to the Video rooms (BETA) on #Element, it seems as though everything is there to be a suitable Discord replacement. Screen sharing, audio calls, video calls. It's all there, now I just need to convince people to give this program a shot for a third time.. Maybe I'll wait til after the beta.
If only #XMPP had a client like this.
Just asking, because @matrix is registered in the UK, how are the Online Safety Act and other UK laws affecting the privacy of users outside the UK on the official matrix.org instance?
dappled penumbra
as elements move Willow
all your knowledge's you
#vss365 - #penumbra
#VssPoem - #element
#DailyHaikuPrompt - willow
#BlueSkyRelay - #your / #ultracrepidarian
#WritingCommunity #poetry #haiku
What's the *easiest* way to set up a #Matrix server that roughly has feature parity with Discord? That means, (group) voice chat, screen sharing, video chat, custom emoji, channels and spaces, read receipts, as painlessly as possible.
Not public, just for me and a couple of friends who migrate from Discord.
I'm not good at server administration, but I do have access to a VPS.
Es gibt hier mit #Matrix und #Element einen mehr als würdigen Nachfolger, der obendrein noch #OpenSource ist.
Auch #Jitsi ist eine gute Alternative
I believe that if Element had custom stickers and emotes, Matrix would have had more chance to catch on.
I think it still has a chance. Just utilize what every other client is doing.
… J’ai rapidement regardé ce qu’on trouvait chez #Matrix / #Element and Co. Et il me semble que la seule chose qu’ils proposent, c’est de payer pour créer des comptes miroirs sur Whatsapp ou sur Telegram qui servent de pont. Si ça fonctionne sur le même principe que Bridgy Fed entre Bluesky et le Fédivers, ça m’intéresse relativement peu. Mais peut-être ai-je manqué une salvatrice explication.
Grand merci en tout cas pour votre réponse. Cordialement.