la lumière c'est la vie
tags : photosynthèse, vitamine D, cultive ton jardin, fougères, origine du monde végétal, le cul-te du soleil, #photography #silentsunday #gardening
la lumière c'est la vie
tags : photosynthèse, vitamine D, cultive ton jardin, fougères, origine du monde végétal, le cul-te du soleil, #photography #silentsunday #gardening
Whee! First signs of growth in the winter sowing seeds I planted in early February.
Late this afternoon I found small green sprouts of Upland White Goldenrod
(Oligoneuron album) in one of the milk jugs.
@Pollinators This photo from last year illustrates what I do to “pot on” larger plants from soil blocks. I just add more soil block mix to the outsides into a rough elongated ball shape.
#SoilBlocks #Gardening #GrowYourOwn
@Broadfork Thank you and Ernie. We are going to make soil blocks for the first time after seeing them in action on Mastodon. The peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes starts will be our test vegetables. We have the ingredients. Though the leaf mould is not well aged. And the compost was frozen wedges. We are looking forward to the less stress potting up. #soilblocks, #gardening, #growyourow, #compost.
Major gardening milestone -- all of the shrubbery pruning is done as of today. One of the kids helped me with the thorny ones today: two roses and a blackberry.
@Broadfork Congratulation on the 2025 spring gardening milestone of soil blocks! Can you share your starter mix recipe? Ernie is happy. This is his happy face. #gardening, #growyourown, #soilblocks.
#Gardeners , planting milkweed and butterfly
weed is totally helping! This makes me very happy!!
I realized today that I actually put in two separate orders for seeds at this one seed growing place that had ozette potatoes. Which is to say I ordered two sets of ozettes (that have not yet been delivered), two sets of black runner beans (okay, I'm really not sad about that TBH), and a couple other things.
And I think I ordered 3 different kinds of tomatoes. Why did I do that?? I don't like tomatoes! Okay, I kinda like about two different kinds of tomatoes, and these may or may not qualify. Plus I still have seeds from last year from the tomatoes I liked.
Dear gawd, why??
Oh and I went to a plant nursery today and they had...yup, ozette potatoes. So I picked up a couple more.
I've been looking for these damned potatoes for ten years, y'all. I WILL grow them this year, come hell or high water. Please don't actually bring hell or high water though, k?
The greenhouse full of soil blocks. It’s sow time. #GrowYourOwn #SeedStarting #SoilBlocks #GreenManures #Gardening #Allotment
My kids harvested 18 gallons (~68 liters) of fresh turnip greens last night
Gotta love #Canadian retailer #Dollarama: it's not even #springtime, and yet they are already selling pairs of #vampire stakes, complete with twine for both a better hand grip and easy stake retrieval, for only $3.50 per pair!
How to grow house plants with almost no maintenence
By Amy Sheehan
Growing plants in jars of water works both indoors and outdoors and are a good option for small spaces.
Todays harvest!!!! It’s my first year and I’m so thrilled! I GREW something!! #Gardening #Vegetable #VegetableGardening
Bright Corydalis solida 'George Baker' blooming under one of the Japanese maples
#gardening #bloomscrolling #pnw
When you find a four leaf clover, dig up a bit of the root and bring it home for your pots. It's a nitrogen fixer, so a great companion plant, if kept pruned. You can get a high rate of mutation. I pruned back some today to root and move into my outdoor flower patch, found a 5 leaf one. #gardening
Today's gardening volunteers: carrots! Digging them out of the random spots they sprouted in the garden, and placing them in garden beds. #carrots #gardening #garden