Music app says the piece I listened
to most last year was Weather Report's 1977 "Birdland." Jaco's bass lead-in grabs me the first hard note. It's magic.
Music app says the piece I listened
to most last year was Weather Report's 1977 "Birdland." Jaco's bass lead-in grabs me the first hard note. It's magic.
Mike Stern'den Jaco Pastorius Hakkında İçten Açıklamalar
Jaco Pastorius suonava linee di basso fantastiche, ma era capace anche di eseguire accordi e suoni armonici, trasformando il basso in strumento solista.
Ho analizzato questo bel medley tra un pezzo di Jaco e "Speak Like a Child" di Herbie Hancock.
Leggi di più
#JacoPastorius #HerbieHancock #Jazz
Jaco Pastorius sur l'Île du Ramier à Toulouse le 30 janvier 1985.
#JacoPastorius (b), Azar Lawrence (ts), Paul Mousavizadeh (g), Jon Davis (p), Brian Melvin (dr)
#jazz #podcast #francemusique en 2 parties:
#NowPlaying on #KEXP's #VarietyMix
Jaco Pastorius:
Portrait of Tracy
show playlist
KEXP playlist
JACO tells the story of #jacopastorius a self-taught, larger-than-life musician who single-handedly changed the course of modern music by redefining the sound and the role of the #electricbass #guitar.
Presented by #RobertTrujillo.
Can't narrow it down to one, sorry. But 5 is as narrow as it can get:
Portrait of Tracy on piano performed by Daniel Kuk
Es sind die subtilen Zwischentöne, die Joni Mitchell in den Aufnahme-Sessions Anfang der 70er fehlen. Auf der Suche nach musikalischer Inspiration wird sie in der Jazz-Szene fündig. Und holt sich mit Jaco Pastorius einen Bassisten an Bord, der ihren Folk-Sound nachhaltig verändert.
#BombayBicycleClub #Folk #Hejira #JackSteadman #JacoPastorius #Jazz #JoniMitchell #Podcast #Popfilter #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
@stevesilberman Jaco is something else. Always loved him on Pat Metheny's Bright Size Life & Joni Mitchell's Hejira. Weather Report is a whole thing unto itself.
On my #MentalSoundtrack tonight, in honor of Wayne Shorter.