Does anybody know, how he is doing now? @hiphop group
____________ lasted longer than the TikTok ban.
"[___] is 33% [___], 33% [___], 33% [___], and 1% rounding errors."
#Trump's angry screeds are like #MadLibs at this point. It's basically the same shit he's been saying for the past 10 years, except for a few blank spots for adjectives and verbs that he fills in with his giant Sharpee.
#TrumpRage #TrumpCult #TrumpLies #TrumpIsALiar #TrumpInsurrection
A fun experiment that's off the beaten path I've whipped up what I call the Instant #SuperHero Creator, a #MadLibs-style page that will help you generate a hero to call your own. It's still a work in progress, but can be fun if you're looking for a laugh.
Sooo I guess a lot of people in my life never experienced Mad Libs because they absolutely don't understand this video. Oh, but they will.