Got a strange ask. Can a #Swiftie help me find something that can be considered #DoctorWho adjacent in #TaylorSwift lyrics?
@eekaettken @nicosemsrott Keine Ahnung, gefällt mir gut. Kommt von #Swiftie K4.
"In der #Liebe, dem #Krieg und dem #Wahlkampf ist alles erlaubt"
I think this is an #autism, #actuallyautistic or #actuallyadhd question but does anyone feel alienated because no one is as invested in their interests as you are? For an example, I’m a huge #swiftie and know lots about Taylor Swift and her music. It makes me excited.
Does anyone feel as though the level and intensity that they invest in their interests alienates them.
I’m feeling very alienated have no friends. Hope I get some feedback soon.
Bizarrely, that might actually be a #personalbest #5k #running #taylorswift #swiftie
It's been a minute, so thought I should do a re-introduction!
Hi, I’m Andrew and I’m just a guy trying to figure this whole life thing out.
I'm also a huge #Swiftie, a #tech geek, and between you and me, I can be a bit of a weirdo sometimes.
I tend to post a lot about #TaylorSwift, #Android, #design, whatever music, show, or hobby I’m currently hyperfixating on, and random shenanigans from my own life, or anything else I find interesting.
I don't know what to put at the end here so ... I hope to see you out there!
It's like a side quest in a video game that has an achievement/trophy attached to it.
I got this.
This is as close as I'll get to December in Vancouver's hottest ticket. I have a tradition of attending the big events during my birth month. Friday alone will be chaos in the city. I took these photos shortly after I left Rogers Arena. #TaylorSwift #TaylorSwiftErasTour #Swiftie #VanSwiftie