Whee! First signs of growth in the winter sowing seeds I planted in early February.
Late this afternoon I found small green sprouts of Upland White Goldenrod
(Oligoneuron album) in one of the milk jugs.
Whee! First signs of growth in the winter sowing seeds I planted in early February.
Late this afternoon I found small green sprouts of Upland White Goldenrod
(Oligoneuron album) in one of the milk jugs.
5 tips for winter sowing:
1. Protect your pot from animals.
2. Don't bury seeds too deep. Either surface sow or put a very light layer of soil on top.
3. Ensure you have weather-proof labels that will stay in place.
4. Don't let seedlings dry out in the spring. Lift them up; they should not be too light.
5. Don't overseed. Clamshell was overseeded with coreopsis. Water jug was seeded well with nodding onion.
You got this!
Photos from May 2024. #Gardening #WinterSowing #NativePlants
Yay, another story about winter sowing!
#WinterSowing complete. I will also be direct sowing most of these plants in a mini meadow that I am starting, but I'm also starting some in jugs as a little extra insurance. Many of the extras will find homes in other beds.
Photos from my Toronto garden. Aug 22, 2033.
-Anise hyssop and Black eyed Susan. Anise hyssop is becoming a favourite. Upright, does not flop over.
-Spotted bee balm. Will look pretty cool even during the winter.
-Lance-leaved coreopsis. Cheerful, short plant that benefits from dead-heading.
All four species mentioned were winter sown earlier in 2023. What's extra wonderful is that they're blooming in their first year.
Pollinator Garden - February 2023
My first attempt at winter sowing started with eight milk jugs, then it was twelve, and finally 22 milk jugs. I got carried away.
I've been obsessively staring at my bottles, pots, plug trays and yogurt containers, which contain native plant seeds that I've sown all winter. No signs of life so far.
I'd love to see just one sprout - even an itty bitty speck of green - to confirm that there's potential for germination. But nope, maybe next week.
This photo includes seeds for:
-Showy tick trefoil
-White wood aster
-Missouri ironweed
-Nodding onion
-Wild columbine
A watched pot never boils...
And so begins the #wintersowing of the #flowers #seeds #gardening #Michigan
@thegardendude I’m staying on schedule. Of course, I do #wintersowing of my seeds. I figure if something fails, it’s just going to fail this year. I find if I overthink, I lose more than I gain.
Checking in on my winter sown seedlings. I may have gone overboard for my first time. Lots of native plants and some lavender. All planted in January. #NativePlants #WinterSowing #Gardening
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