Mein greiser Papa, selbst trotziger #Atheist, war geplant im Krankenhaus und lag dort neben einem, der Moslem ist und lange schon vergeblich auf eine Niere wartet. Jetzt findet der Papa: Christen müsste eine Pflicht zur #Organspende aufgegeben werden. Das Argument: Wenn der Vater seinen Sohn eigens #Fleisch werden lässt und dieser genau dieses Fleisch komplett für die Menschen hingibt, damit sie das #Leben haben, dann sollst du nicht mit deinen Innereien herumgeizen, sondern tun wie er.
Sonst, sagt er, redet dir die #Kirche bei jedem Scheiß drein, was du tun sollst, aber wenn’s mal sinnvoll wäre, kriegst du stattdessen eine #Gewissensaufgabe mit freiwilliger #Nächstenliebe und so.
Dear #Christians:
You forgot about something #Jesus told you to do.
"#Love your #neighbor as yourself. There is no #commandment greater than these."
Even as an #atheist I'd agree with Jesus on this. In fact, I agree with Jesus on a lot of things he is purported to have said.
Doing an #introduction as I'm new to Friendica, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite ways to engage with the fediverse, and I'm always happy to meet people with similar interests, so feel free to boost / share!
I'm a human who loves weird art, all sorts of music (from Hindustani to Death Metal), tech, sunny days, green hills, incense, tea, spirits, soft couches, cats, and books. I'm a prolific vegan cook, and I design, code, write, play games, and produce, write, and play music for fun.
Some relevant tags are: #ADHD #arch #atheist #chicago #design #endeavouros #exmo #ExMormon #FLOSS #FOSS #GNU #incense #indieweb #introductionspost #KDE #LGBT #libregraphics #leftist #linux #music #scotland #tea #TransRights #trombone #vegan #vegancooking #webdev #writing
Do you know about ROBIN HOOD ARMY!?
It's an organization that accepts no money and feeds the poor people through, fit to eat leftover food and also other resources.
Working in 13 countries currently.
#India #Pakistan #Malaysia #Nepal #Srilanka
#Nigeria #Uganda #Zambia #Bahrain #Bangladesh #Botswana #Indonesia #Guinea
• No funds
• Apolitical
• Non-Religious
Boost to spread this movement!
#MutualAid #robinhoodarmy #apolitical #anarchist
#atheist #atheism #nofunds #zerofunds #volunteer #volunteering #Community #abolishmoney #feedthepoor #foodwastage #climatechange #Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #humanity
"The Center for Freethought Equality and the Association of Secular Elected Officials are joining forces to provide support to humanist, atheist, agnostic, and other nonreligious elected officials to advance positive public policies, build networks of like-minded public officials, and encourage more elected officials to publicly identify with this community."
Hi this is NOT OK
House Joint Resolution (HJR) 3020 – introduced by Del. Henry Dillon, R-Wayne – calls for the Christian Bible to be formally recognized as the “inerrant foundational document for our society and government.”
The resolution describes the Bible as being “divinely inspired,” and calls for the inclusion of both the Old and New Testaments. The resolution further refers to the Bible as being “an accurate historical record of human and natural history, and the utmost authority for human moral behavior.”
Should the amendment be codified into the state’s constitution, the Bible would be given “a place of prominence and reverence in the public buildings, laws, policies, and schools of the state of West Virginia.”
Some good news: "Among adults ages 18 to 24, a whopping 43 percent have no religion." from the Freedom From Religion Foundation:
There is a reason I don't want your god involved in my government.
But if you want to believe "The God of the #RepublicanParty" will soothe the wounds from getting fired, losing your livelihood and medical insurance will help, please toot how that goes in the next 6 months or so.
Meiner Meinung nach sollte religiöse Indoktrination von Kinder & Jugendlichen nicht erlaubt sein.
Religion sollte erst ab einem bestimmten alter erlaubt sein, wenn der Mensch reif genug ist sich dafür oder dagegen entscheiden. Kinder sind das devinitiv nicht und Jugendliche nur teilweise.
Clarification of what I mean when I say I'm an #atheist (click the link, not the image preview, to bypass the paywall):
I want to go to heaven, but only if I can stay here too. I love the real world much more than any fantasy one.