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If your mom isn't gay, then what is she even doing? Same @ ur dad, bro.

(Are you gay? When was your last Gaygenda meeting?
Did you file the notes from last time? SCUBAdriver69420 said she couldn't access it so check the password and make sure you get the right user this time. SCUBAdriver42069 was very confused.)


PSA: I'm using 'Gay' and 'Queer' generally to mean
"You understand that our societal structures (based on inherent hierarchies of worth) are baseless debauchery, deserving only our contempt".

If that seems odd or wrong to you,
then I invite you to consider self-hating non- (cis and het and allo) people who act like performing for (cis het allo) people will grant them reliable power.
It won't.


(Hmm... "CHA"? Like for cis gender, hetero sexual, and non-asexual or allo sexual people. CHA is also pronounceable and more memorable to me than cis het which always makes me think of cishet, to sound like "sachet". You're not ketchup?! No one is ketchup?)

But also is good. Go watch them. you continue to YouTube

Kennst du queere Menschen aus dem Rems-Murr-Kreis, die das Leben schöner machen? Egal ob DIY oder schon etabliert, wir möchten bei unserem 5-jährigen Jubiläum nächstes Jahr lokale Artists präsentieren! Markiere sie hier als Kommentar oder schreib uns eine PN. Wir freuen uns darauf!

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Bisher steht leider noch wenig Konkretes. Der exakte Geburtstag ist am 01.02.2025. Unsere Feier wird deshalb vermutlich auch in die ersten Monate 2025 fallen. Zu Honoraren können wir derzeit leider noch keine Auskünfte geben, da die Finanzierung noch nicht final ist. Ort der Feier wird Backnang sein.
