Boy, I do some weird stuff for my art...
For close to 20 years now, I've been doing a photo comic using 12" action figures called "Minions at Work." Unlike a traditional cartoonist, when I want a new character, I don't get to just draw them, I have to BUILD them, or at least, kitbash them from existing components. This is easy if you just want a bunch of white guys. But women are MUCH harder, and women of color, or women with realistic figures and curves, are MUCH harder still than that.
For my purposes, I need (or at least want) realistic proportions, good poseability , durability (I've maintained some of these figures for the full 20 years), and hands that can actually HOLD stuff. Also low cost, because despite getting paid for my comics the last couple years, this is still, at best, a break-even operation.
Most Barbies are right out, though they have a limited "made to move" line that's pretty good for some things (hands are still bad). They also have a limited line with various figure types, though I don't know of any with both full figures and double jointed articulation. And BAD HANDS.
There are other various doll lines (some with oversized heads, but that's the easiest thing to swap out) that have some combination of the features I want. Articulation, durability, proportions, cost, skin-tones, but none are perfect. And while some have BETTER hands, almost none of them can easily be posed holding an object.
There are dolls and action figures that can be ordered from Asia that are highly (maybe over realistic, some would say) realistic, super articulated, with good hands available, if not included, (and if you're willing to order from sketchy Asian seller and wait a month or two for them to arrive, if they ever do) not that expensive. But most of them are HIGHLY sexualized, tiny waists, huge boobs, etc., etc. (Realistic nipples and genitals are NOT on my list of requirements.) Either that, or they're that creepy, anime, child-like waif thing (and the fact that many of these are ALSO anatomically correct totally creeps me out).
So I'm to the point of wanting a new female character or two. I'd like one a little older looking than the others, and with a realistic figure, maybe shorter as well (most all these dolls are on the tall side). And or one of color, also with a more realistically rounded figure, though not necessarily on the plump side (though could be). Two characters representing some combination of those characteristics, anyway. Got enough thin, youngish, white ladies for the moment.
And my frustration with this has brought me to the point of maybe Frankensteining together parts of various dolls and action figures to get what I want. So today, I found myself taking a Dremel with a cutting wheel to some doll type (thrift store finds, and I'm still tracking down the makers) with vary unrealistic torso proportions, but very well articulated, and plump, legs, and reasonably articulated arms. The hands are very realistic, but still can't hold things. But they're hard plastic, and I think I can heat-bend them to perhaps get a gripping hand.
So here I am, trying to split the torso open without damaging the arms and legs, in hopes of putting them in a more suitable torso, perhaps from the Barbie realistic body line. This is tricky, especially with no clues as to how the bodies are held together, and no idea what's inside. And here I am, splitting torsos open and prying them apart with CAREFUL brute force. There's a lot more engineering going on in here than I expected. This may be more challenging than I though. I might also be able to 3D print a new torso to order, but that requires a steep upgrade in my sculpting, and especially technical 3D design skills.
The adventure continues. But ladies (of color and not), I'm trying hard to give you some realistic representation in the forces of evil!
#dolls #FasionDolls #ActionFigures #actionFigurePhotography #MinionsAtWork #comics #PhotoComics #dioramas #makers #making #frankenstein #representation