#GlutenFree products often have more sugar, calories, and less protein than gluten-containing options—while also costing more. A molecular breeding professor explains the findings of a new study: By Sachin Rustgi, Clemson University #nutrition #gluten #celiac https://buff.ly/41kqWjN
Spent a few days up in Beacon for a friends birthday. I made them and everyone staying with us pancakes with starter leftovers, Bread 6 with spice additions of their choosing, and my first pizza. We got a pizza 00 flour and my gosh the gluten! It was my first bread in a kitchen that wasn't my own. Half was eaten in one sitting, and the 5 cast iron pizza's were devoured before I got any good photos of them.
On the way back, we stopped off in Jersey City to visit some neon I made in 2019 and installed later in spring of 2020. After 5 years in the window, some of the glue on the polycarbonate tube supports were failing. I replaced the now brittle zip ties with twisted wire, and the tube supports got some holes with nuts an bolts. Five years later and the neon still looks just as good as day 1, and the acrylic backer is still in good condition. Nice to see my favorite radio station gearing up for their party time.
"The Church of England has ruled that #non-alcoholic wine and #gluten-free bread cannot be used during Holy Communion.
The guidance states that the bread must be made with wheat flour and the wine must be fermented grape juice to be consecrated." #churchOfengland #coe
You NEVER see #Pastafarians being so callous and unchristian!
Finished baking my bread. Half whole wheat, half T55 flour with fresh yeast.
Forgot to add olive oil or butter to it, but it still raised well and is delicious.
I really love having the #breadmaker, use it in #pizza dough mode and mix all the ingredients and it warms up the dough for 50 minutes before I take it out and divide it into pieces and let it sit for an hour to raise.
It develops #gluten so it's no longer full of crumbs and hard to cut. Plus it's much easier to use as sandwich bread.
All for less than 1.5 euros.
Interesting possible options for better gluten free flours. #flour #gluten #glutenfree #baking #Australia
L'effet nocebo lié au fait de croire dans l'effet néfaste du gluten a plus d'effet que le gluten lui-même, chez les gens ayant une sensibilité non cœliaque au gluten
Warm up your nights with these 10 Mexican-style comfort foods, packed with bold flavors and the perfect dose of coziness! #gluten-free #mexican #food #recipes
Posted into Gluten Free Supper @gluten-free-supper-glutenfreefeeds
I read that Ozzy Osbourne stopped taking LSD one day when he had an hour-long talk with a horse and at the end the horse told him to "fuck off."
After 24 years of going back and forth with gluten intolerance, a year ago I had a very serious conversation with a loaf of bread. One day when my wife left, I decided to face what seemed like an addiction. I put a loaf of bread cut in half on the table and started having a chat with him. Lots of questions and lots of answers. After that conversation, many things became clear to me and I haven't eaten it again absolutely no gluten since then.
Surely Ozzy's horse was a projection like my bread. It's a good method, it works.
Make dinner exciting with these 10 gluten-free fish recipes that are packed with flavor and perfect for any seafood lover! #gluten-free #food #recipes #fish
Posted into Gluten Free Supper @gluten-free-supper-glutenfreefeeds
Craving a comfort food upgrade? These loaded tater tots are packed with crispy, savory goodness that will make every bite irresistible! #gluten-free #snacks #food #recipes
Posted into Gluten Free Supper @gluten-free-supper-glutenfreefeeds
Gluten-free bread makers! Do you have a bread machine? Can you make reliably decent bread with it?
I'm getting worn out with GF bread prices ($5-8 a loaf where I live) and would like to find some alternatives. Making it by hand every time is difficult for me with chronic illness issues, but I'd be willing to invest in a bread maker if I knew I could get into a reliable routine with loaves that worked (just basic sandwich loaves).
Consumer Labs found that some oats on the market contained a disturbing amount of gluten.
I would share the article but I think you have to log onto to read it.
Rolled Quaker Oats 100% Whole Grain Oats Old Fashioned has 672.3 ppm gluten in it. It goes off the chart below there is so much gluten in them.
The 365 brand oats from Whole Foods was at the top of their approved list. I don’t like to praise any Bezos business but at least those oats are gluten free for real.
(if you are using a screen reader and you are interested in the details of the charts below that didn’t end up in the alt text I can read the whole thing into a voice memo for you, just DM me)
Ich denke, diese Gluten-Geschichte ist mehr eine US-Sache. Wenn ich mir allerdings die vielen glutenfreien Produkte im Supermarkt anschaue, bin ich wahrscheinlich einfach naiv.
So oder so: Negative Einflüsse von #Gluten auf die Verdauung dürften eher Einbildung sein. (Außer natürlich bei denen, die Zöliakie haben, also allergisch auf Gluten reagieren!) Der Health Nerd fasst zusammen:
Wer wirklich von der Gluten-Obsession profitiert, sind natürlich die Zöliakie-Kranken. Die haben jetzt so viel Essen zur Auswahl wie noch nie.
Celiac disease is in essence an autoimmune disorder triggered by the presence of a group of structural proteins known as gluten in the intestines, an international team led by scientists from McMasters University in Canada has identified a crucial role played by the very cells making up the gut's lining, describing a major stepping stone that could lead to new therapies, Science Alert reports:
Scientists Have Finally Identified Where #GlutenIntolerance Begins
Using transgenic mice, an international team led by scientists from McMasters University in Canada has identified a crucial role played by the very cells making up the gut's lining, describing a major stepping stone that could lead to new therapies.
#Celiac disease is in essence an #autoimmune disorder triggered by the presence of a group of structural proteins known as #gluten in the #intestines.