@3kh0 or people.could just properly #decentralize and use #IRC, #XMPP+#OMEMO & #Mumble as well as #SelfHosting.
- Given @torproject / #Tor isn't super-fast, it makes sense to choose something more #Narrowband-friendly!
@3kh0 or people.could just properly #decentralize and use #IRC, #XMPP+#OMEMO & #Mumble as well as #SelfHosting.
@Melissabeartrix @Tattooed_mummy I see #AltText & #ImageDescription as both a necessary work and opportunity to #DoBetter...
Yes it'll cost me time and slow me down #shitposting or whatever but I do also oftentimes interact with the #Fediverse on #Narrowband (cuz #EDGEland) and I'm glad I can still use it on my mobile at #throttled #2G speeds.
Also I do have #blind followers and I think it's important to also let them access the conversation - or at least give them the choice to do so.
@neptune22222 maybe consider just plain #HTML + #CSS?
If your site doesn't need interactivity, then there's no need for #JavaScript, becausr if you want it #accessible you need it to 100% work in #LynxBrowser or anybother #TUI-based Browser because #BrailleScreens and #TextToSpeech systems will most likely only support these.
Not to mention being able to surf it #narrowband (regardless if #Iridium or #EDGEland) with no images beibg loaded should still yield a good experience...
@kwf well, I do plan to use #HTTP + #OpenPGP-#Signatures for @OS1337 packages and distribute OS/1337 release images via #BitTorrent exclusively...
But that's just because I have #Sysadmin experience with #narrowband comnectivity and acknowledge that a #SquidProxy on #ipFire is a way easier and more convenient option to #cache and #mirror than spinning up a custom #repo m-server to mirror distros...
Also #CA's can and will be more likely to provide #LEAs with #Certificates to duplicate than a #distro would...
Still, #upcycling #ThinClients as #MiniServers is nifty and I myself use several #t620's for such purposes like #backups, #downloads and #Torrenting #FLOSS #distros...
@BrideOfLinux I mean, both #Lynx and #Dillo run okay and are a good option when stuck on #narrowband...
@danluu worse when you have #NarrowBand access only...
I've spent a large number of nights the last month and a half or so fighting with my mount to try to get a good image out of my C8. This is the result. It's about 24 hours of good data. I think I used less than half the data I collected.
Here is my initial process of my SH2-124 data. 8 hours H-alpha, 7.5 hours [SII] and 10 hours [OII] mapped in the standard SHO palette. The star colours might be a bit off, I haven't checked them yet, but I'm quite pleased as how this came out considering how faint the [SII]/[OIII] channels were. Imaged with MN190 scope and Atik 383L+ mono cam from Lancashire UK #astrodon #astrophotography #nebula #sharpless #space #astronomy #astro #narrowband #photography