also, if you're a #contentCreator, please feel free to leave a reply on this thread with a brief summary about yourself and links to some of your content! my name is Cleo and I've been making videos online since the first year of YouTube's existence. my two main channels are #CeriGotGame, a very old one that is centered around #videoGames #cosplay and other nerdy stuff, and #toplessTopics "the channel that seeks to destigmatize female #toplessness through repeat exposure". Basically I do my videos nonsexually topless to try to normalize seeing "female looking nipples" (aka flagged by algorithms to ban as "sexually explicit nudity") outside of explicitly sexual situations, then use their attention to talk about issues important to me, like #feminism #lgbtq #houseless #racialInjustice #genderEquality #censorship #sexualEducation (discussed, not demonstrated!) and more.
I'm also always looking for interesting people to interview, so please let me know if you might like to let me record your thoughts on a topic!
most of my gaming stuff is here:
while my #toplesstopics stuff is all over the place, as unfortunately I keep having to reupload it to different platforms. currently the uncensored (containing nonsexual female nipples) versions of my videos are on peertube:
and the censored versions (when I bother making them) are on YouTube:
I also announce on my various social media accounts (including mastodon) when I post anything new:
if you're not sure where to start, I list some of what I consider my "best" videos here:
and I have all my interviews, which are probably the most interesting things I've done so far, here:
(I also sometimes export just the audio of my videos as "podcast episodes" if you want something to listen to during your commute--so look up "Topless Topics" on the podcast platform of your choice if you like)
Eager and hopeful to connect with other #contentCreators, about the subjects I cover or anything else, really!