Though this system has hoodwinked astronomers with planetary signals before, researchers say they're confident they have detected three new #planets and confirmed another around Barnard's #Star.
After peering at Barnard's Star over 112 nights, scientists found compelling evidence of four particularly small #exoplanets, each just some 20 to 30 percent the size of Earth.
The planets are considerably smaller than Mars, which is about half Earth's size.
These things make me laugh much more than they should.
Barnard’s Star, the second-closest star system to Earth after Alpha Centauri — four small exoplanets have been confirmed.
Hopefully Voyager 1 can survive until later. In this 2025, Voyager 1 has been at a distance of 25.0 billion kilometers from Earth and will continue to fly away until later even when contact with Earth is lost in about 2036. It is the most distant human-made object from Earth.
March Poll - NSFW Fanart
✧ Vote on the Public Poll for your favorite character [ ]
✧ You can also vote on the KoFi Poll [ ]
✧ On the Public Poll the votes counts x1. On the KoFi Poll the votes are x5
✧ The winner will have a NSFW drawing in the month!
✧ 3 days to vote
✧ In case of no votes or a tie, I will be the one deciding the final character
1.- Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
2.- Krystal (Star Fox)
3.- Juno (Beastars)
4.- Rouge The Bat (Sonic)
Interstellar material has been discovered in our Solar System, yet its origins and details of transport are unknown.
But how much of that #interstellar matter originates in the nearest #star system, the α Centauri triple system?
If α Centauri ejects material similaely to own Solar System, the current number of α Centauri particles larger than 100 m in diameter within the Oort Cloud is a million.
But only one of them can be expected within 10 AU.
Ich konnte (neben zu tun haben) heute bei dem schönen Wetter zum Glück auch einen #Star fotografieren!
Checkt mal sein derbes #BlingBling - #Fell (manchmal bei #Vögeln auch ominöserweise #Gefieder genannt…) aus! So ein urster Svvaglon!
#Birdphotography #Vogelfotografie #Fotografie #Photography #Naturephotography #Naturfotografie #Starling #BotanischerGartenRostock
I'm getting excited for my trip from to the Sanford Underground Research Facility (#SURF) in Lead, South Dakota next week. On Thursday evening I will be delivering a "Deep #Talk" entitled "Catch a Dying #Star - #Astronomy Deep Underground". If you happen to be in the vicinity of Lead, SD come check it out!
#DeepTalks are an ongoing series of public lectures hosted by #SURF
Last observation of the morning. Trying to get the #WesternVeilNebula and it got to bright. You can see traces of it on the left and right of the star in the center of the image, #52Cygni. #nebula #star #unistellar #odysseypro #space #astronomy #amateur
@alda OFC Franchise models and their subsequent infrastructure are as complex as brands in general.
For example, #bp canceled their own brand in favour of using #ARAL for gas stations in #Germany, and #ORLEN also operates a 2nd brand, #star.
Here is #galaxy #NGC3877 with #star #ChiUrsaeMajoris to the right. #unistellar #odysseypro #space #astronomy #amateur
Défilé de stars à l’Assemblee lundi 10 mars: Pierre Niney, Jean Dujardin, Jean-Paul Rouve, Pio Marmaï et Gilles Lelouche vont témoigner devant la commission d’enquête sur les violences dans le cinéma. Sauf que l’audition ne sera pas diffusée, car les acteurs ont exigé (et obtenu) le huis clos. Quel courage! « Ils ont beaucoup à perdre », tacle un membre de la commission. Les actrices, elles, ont en majorité témoigné en public.
Did you know we're essentially all #STARS? That is to say, we’re actually the children of stars!
How does it feel to have stars for parents?
(You can skip to the last paragraph :)
#Maiaspace sur les traces de #spaceX
La startup Française et filiale à 100% d'ArianeGroup est sur les bons rails. Mais le plus dur reste à venir. L'entreprise souhaite mettre en place un lanceur réutilisable et adaptable pour mettre en orbite des satellites entre 500 et 1500kg.
Un grand pas pour la souveraineté européenne Premier lancement commercial prévu pour 2026 depuis la base de Kourou en Guyane