Hello! I decided to try this server out with a #videogame specific account.
Here are some favorite genres/series:
#Control (the game)
#TheLegendOfZelda #TheElderScrolls #7DaysToDie
#DarkSouls #Bloodborne
#VampireTheMasquerade #DungeonsAndDragons
And so many more!
Some more favorite game series (I will edit them into the above post if this instance expands the 500 char limit someday)
#Creatures / #AIPet
basically just looking through my steam library and adding games I was at least briefly obsessed with...
@Ceridwen just finished Tomb raider anniversary and loved it. Can't wait to play legends.
@FreiGuy86 I gotta get back into the games, heh. I remember really liking the first Crystal Dynamics reboot (if hilarious that she barely reacts to slogging through blood and skulls) but I haven't picked one up since then. Too many games not enough time Doesn't help that I mainly play base building games, that never really "end" ...
Horizon Zero Dawn and now Forbidden West are the first story-based games I've really gotten into, in a long time. The last was probably Control.
@Ceridwen I really enjoyed the reboot as well. The sequel "Rise of the Tomb Raider" was even better! Unfortunately I didn't love the 3rd. The story started out promising, with Lara having to deal with the fact that she's colonizing ancient cultures and has to deal with the repercussions. But that just kinda fizzled out. And the gameplay wasn't as good as the other 2. A pretty solid trilogy though.
LOVED control. I need to try the Horizon games but Im burnt out on open worlds atm.
@FreiGuy86 Ooh I like that they actually commented on the colonization. For sure, a LOT of games haven't aged well. It's an interesting thing to take into consideration nowadays. Luckily most of the games I like (that I can think of currently) don't have anything to do with that kind of thing (not directly relating to real history anyway) so I don't have to face that...unless we start taking fantasy racism into account (all dwarves are blacksmiths, etc)
@Ceridwen can relate. I'm a star wars fan. Lots of alien racism. And not the good kind that is commenting on racism, either. Just lots of entire species with one defining trait lol
@FreiGuy86 Reminds me of the outcry when Dungeons and Dragons started changing their own "all goblins are murderers" etc racism baked into the world building, from dudebros who couldn't stand the idea of maybe evolving the genre a bit (in suggested rules that any DM is totally free to ignore). I guess it's how they justify immediately jumping into combat with a certain race? Though "are they attacking me? Yes? Ok, it's time to defend myself" is a pretty good rule of thumb in gaming
@FreiGuy86 You already have to take that into account with stuff like human bandits. Just...apply that same metric to non-humanoid races. Especially core races, like half-orcs. You want to say that one race can't be wizards, ok whatever. But saying that every entity of a race is by nature evil is just silly. Any sentient race can choose to avoid that, and it gives so much more opportunity for more interesting storytelling.
If you want mindless combatants, make everything giant spiders/mimics...
@Ceridwen I remember the hub bub surrounding that. I have a friend who is way into D&D and was complaining about it. "How can it be racist...they're orcs." Well putting aside the fact that the heroes tend to be fair skinned humans/elves and orcs are dark skinned beast like creatures, defining any race by a single trait, especially "they're murderers" is gonna be dicey.
@FreiGuy86 yikes. I hope he applied some critical thinking to that thought later on. I mean "how can it be racist...*names maligned race*" is pretty ironic...