Wow, received my first actual #spam message here on the #Fediverse today. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a fresh account that mentioned users by name and then pushed their adult site links. Must be a desperate spammer to come out here.
@apzpins that “fedichick” by any chance?
Got another one of those today as well.
They are creating accounts on different instances and the pushing out that garbage over and over.
@outofprintarchive Yes, in fact it was just that.
@apzpins @outofprintarchive Same. Not the fedichick for me—although I've heard from her before—but someone else pushing the usual get-rich-quick schemes.
I like to think that it's a sign of Mastodon's ongoing relevancy; they wouldn't bother otherwise.
@outofprintarchive I got several messages from the “fedichick” all saying the exact same thing. Spam is eternal spam is everywhere spam is forever