is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
We are a gaming-focused space on Mastodon. We welcome everyone who enjoys any type of gaming - it doesn't just need to be video games. Let's build a diverse and inclusive community together!

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i vaguely remember a story about how Microsoft couldn't shut down Live for the original Xbox because some users refused to log out. does anyone else remember this?

it must have been an urban legend, right? surely Microsoft could just manually boot users? otherwise that seems like a huge oversight.


I don't remember that, but I do seem to remember some big xbox live outage that lasted like a day or so, and a bunch of gamers wanted to sue.
If we could tap into and collect gamer rage, we could power the planet with free energy forever.


@Dennis5891 yes, let's hook the gamers up to treadmills.


I know that was kinda off topic, lol, but that is the only xBox live "thing" that happened I can recall.