So, I went up the mountain again today, and I found this egret tree, and I wish I could convey the gorgeous unholy sounds that were coming out of it.
@handmade_ghost This is so beautiful! Why are they all in the same spot?
@BranwenOShea It's a rookery! This tree is one of several on the hillside above a lake, and it's where a large number of the egrets in my area are nesting this summer! If you check the hashtag #EgretsIveHadAFew, I've posted several photos of some of the nests and baby birds there as well. It's truly a thing to behold!
@handmade_ghost Wow, you’re taken some great photos! What a magical place to be able to visit. Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us!
@BranwenOShea Thank you! The egrets have been a summer obsession of mine, and it's been fun to share with folks.