This is why smartphone-free cafes and community spaces are a thing now and I like the idea. It only works for a limited time and if everyone around you also gives up their phone for a few hours though.
I see more and more (mostly younger) people with flip phones / dumb phones on my commute but that's a very inconvenient lifestyle choice - we are too dependent on apps for public transport, tickets, identification, 2FA, messenger, work/school schedules or even entrance to work or gym via Bluetooth key systems
Added a photo of my old Siemens ME45, it served me well and Jason Bourne used the same model in Bourne Supremecy (2004) so this phone used to be really cool
@chris I'm glad some people find this appealing but tbh the idea of giving up a pocket computer which cost several hundred euros to someone for a couple of hours makes me extremely uncomfortable