After weeks of coming up with New Year's resolutions that'll most likely go nowhere, I wanted to compile some stuff I genuinely feel like doing. Instead of playing a hundred games or watching every movie released in a particular time period, I want to follow a path that works best for me in the current moment, and when I'm bored, or finished, I'll move on to something else that interests me. I made a Google Doc consisting of some stuff I want to do. Because of how my #autistic brain works, it's hard for me to continue doing something that doesn't appeal to me at the moment. The document lists stuff I'm currently interested in, though things are subject to change. Since I'm no longer bound to following a strict set of goals, I now feel freer to accomplish anything at any pace that's best for me. Expect to see stuff mostly related to #retrogaming as it's a hobby that interests me most. I also got over my irrational dislike of #anime and even plan to watch a few myself.