Haken - Liveforms An Evening With Haken
If I'd really have to stick a label on this album, it would be good for #ThursDeath because of the growls alone, but this is much more than that. Also, a single entry for @alicemcalicepants's #SupergroupsAndSideProjects as it features guests from #CaligulasHorse, #ThankYouScientist, and #Wilderun.
A wonderfully chaotic, sometimes cacophonic piece.
#Lunar: Tempora Mutantur
Ihre #Rhetorik ist aber immer wieder "#faszinierend", würde #MrSpock sagen.
Ihr kommt so schnell keiner bei - immer schlägt sie einen neuen rhetorischen #Haken. Man stelle sich nur vor, sie würde diese Gabe für etwas #Positives nutzen....
So I liked 'Fauna' more this time. It does have an inventive and diverse range of sounds packed into it.
I did think it was still stylistically more Prog Rock than Metal.
I'm gonna head back the other direction and listen to 'Vector' which is apparently a companion piece to 'Virus'
Tja... ik was steeds wat kwijt .. probleem opgelost:)
#Haken #Leesbril
#Photography #Selfie
Weer een omslagdoek klaar #haken
Hij is groter geworden dan verwacht. En een klein geluk, ik had precies genoeg garen om met de mooiste toer te eindigen
*Zusammenfassung 06.09. bis 07.10. für Hamburg
Bonsai Kitten
06.09.2024 Hamburg / Monkeys Music Club
Kiss Forever Band
06.09.2024 Schenefeld / JUKS
Local Core Festival
06.09.2024 Hamburg
The Ocean
06.09.2024 Hamburg / Logo
07.09.2024 Westergellersen / Milltelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum, Luhmühlen
Freedom Call
08.09.2024 Hamburg / Logo
11.09.2024 Hamburg / Markthalle
13.09.2024 Hamburg / Bambi Galore
Guru Guru
13.09.2024 Hamburg / LOLA Kulturzentrum e.V.
Marco Hietala
13.09.2024 Hamburg / Gruenspan
For #ProgTuesday hosted by @DXMacGuffin:
Vulkan: This Visual Hex
There is no metal music video better than this. Maybe no music video at all.
My favourite song off this year's #Haken album for #ProgTuesday:
#AlbumOddTheYear2023 #metal #ProgressiveMetal #ProgMetal
Best album for traveling. I've listened to this a bunch while driving and would be great for the plane (or train) ride too! There's a lot going on and you can sing along